Saturday, April 24, 2010


A few weeks ago, a group of Assistants decided to accompany our Jewish Assistant friend (shalom, Lisa) to the Seder dinner hosted by the Liberal Jewish Community Center for Passover. Most of us had never been to Seder before (the extent of my Jewish experience is a few Bar/Bat Mitzvahs and one night of Hannukah dinner), but figured it would be a cool thing to check out.

So the 5 Americans showed up with our “family” dish to contribute to the buffet (a sort of matzah casserole) and a few bottles of wine, all kosher of course. From the second we walked through the door, everyone we met was more than welcoming, coming up to introduce themselves and find out who these newcomers were, where we were from, and if we were single. After a serious attempt to engage me to a Jewish girl about my age down the table (“Her mother really wants her to marry an American…”) the Seder started. The ceremony was done both in Hebrew and in French, with certain repeats done in English. Luckily we had a book to follow along with so that we could read a little more about what the chants and actions represented.

We soon realized that we were also supposed to have brought a plate with various vegetables and Matzah, but as soon as they were needed in the ceremony and the others realized we didn’t have any, shout rang out across the room: “Help the poor Americans! They don’t have anything. Does someone have any extra to give the Americans?” After some shuffling around the room to supply us with the essentials, the ceremony continued with our 4 glasses of wine being raised and then drunk, until finally the feast came. With the ceremony starting out slow and including only celery leaves, radishes, and Matzah, I had no idea what I was in store for. 2 plates of every kind of kosher dish and 2 helpings of dessert later, I was bursting at the seams and walking out with leftovers that had been offered freely to us. Jewish experience win. Sign me up for another.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Lessons from Scattergories

As a fun, vocab-boosting activity, I decided to play Scattergories with a few of my classes this past week. For those unfamiliar, Scattergories is basically a list of different categories (i.e. vegetable, American city, movie title). For each round, players are given a letter and have to find a word for each listed category starting with that letter. The kids certainly enjoyed this activity, but I had no idea that it would turn into some of the most ridiculous classroom moments I’ve had yet. Here are the highlights:

The “B” Round:

-A beverage: the entire class says “beer.” They’re sophomores. One student also decided to follow up with “Blue Ice,” which he explained is a cocktail with ice and blue alcohol. Classy.

-Something that scares you: This one requires a bit of explanation. In French, the word for “darkness” is “le noir,” which literally means “the black.” As such, one girl replied to this category with, “I am scared by the black…like when I’m in my bed…(other students start to giggle)…no, not a human black!” Dear God.

The “S” Round:

-Something that is bad for you: sex.

-A movie title: I still haven’t figured out what the exact title of this movie was, but it sounded like the student said something along the lines of “Sex Intentions,” thus making me think along the lines of the French version of “Cruel Intentions.” When I asked the student to explain it he promised me it wasn’t a “sex movie” and was backed up by another girl in the class. If you say so…

The “M” Round:

-Something your parents would make you eat: marshmellows and marijuana. Luckily, I think both of these were just them writing words they knew. Otherwise, I may need to call a social worker, if those exist in France.

The Baguette: France’s Life Blood

Whenever you think of France, most people’s mind eventually cycles through the stereotypical things we’ve been conditioned to associate it with: cheese, castles, Socialism, fast trains, wine and, of course, baguettes. I knew from my semester in Paris that baguettes were an essential part of everyday French life, with millions sold each day, but I have only recently come to realize just how important they are and how they can pop up in the most unexpected times.

A few of my favorite baguette sightings:

-While waiting for a tram, I saw a woman and man running down the street. That’s great, I thought to myself, I love seeing people going for runs. Then it hit me: what is that thing she’s carrying? Is that…yup, that’s a baguette. She’s running with a baguette. I guess when the craving strikes…

-A popular way for some of the poorer inhabitants of Montpellier to earn some money is to wash the windows of cars that stop at traffic lights. One day while walking by an intersection where this happens frequently, I noticed a woman telling some of the window washers that she wasn’t interested, but instead of just shooing them off she told them to wait while she searched for some change. Not finding any handy, she nonchalantly reached into her back seat and pulled out- you guessed it- a baguette. In France, baguettes are as good as cash.

-Americans aren’t the only people that buy in bulk. Multiple times I’ve seen people walking out of bakeries with brown paper bags the size of a small child filled with at least a dozen baguettes. Where are they taking them? To an office-wide meal? To a catered affair? Stocking up for the apocalypse? Your guess is as good as mine.

Adventure is out there! (Part 2)

After leaving Malta, myself and two others that were in Malta flew to Madrid and caught an early flight to the Canary Islands the next day. The Canaries are group of 7 Spanish-owned islands just to the west of Morocco. Created by volcanic activity over the years, the islands are still active. One such volcano is Mount Teide, the highest mountain in Spain and the dominant feature of the island of Tenerife, our destination.

The best description I can give of Tenerife is Jurassic Park. The green-covered mountainsides, exotic vegetation, and sporadic threat of imminent death (stay tuned for details) reminded us all of the island home of the dinosaurs. (What? No, I didn’t keep singing the Jurassic Park theme song as we walked around. I don’t know what you’re talking about…)

Highlights from the Canaries:

-The looming active volcano towering above us. Being able to look up from wherever we were on the island and see a snowcapped volcanic peak was cool, but also a bit bizarre when we made our way down to the beach a few of the days.

-The incredibly different climates and landscapes. On the island of Tenerife alone, you can find snow and ice atop the volcano, black sand volcanic beaches, and tropical vegetation and jungle-like areas. Climb the island a few hundred meters and you’ll find yourself surrounded by clouds in the late afternoon, but come down closer to the shore and it’s nothing but sun (or sunny rain, like on the first day we arrived).

-Seeing the island of La Palma. If anyone has ever watched the Discovery Channel, La Palma is the Canary Island that may or may not cause mass destruction in the future. Scientists think that if there is another volcanic eruption, part of the island may dislodge and slide into the Atlantic, creating a massive tidal wave that heads toward the Eastern seaboard and South America. Naturally, I have wanted to visit this island since I saw the documentary, not only because of this story but because of its incredible natural beauty found all over the island. The local Canarians call La Palma “La Isla Bonita,” or “The Beautiful Island.” So, together with another one of my friends, I hopped a local flight to the island and set out on the day-long hike to the top of the caldera, or crater. A few hours of trail hiking later and we arrived at the top to stunning scenery: a massive crater plunging straight down in front of us, green valleys covering the rest of the island, and the bright blue Atlantic stretching out as far as you could see. With nothing west of La Palma, the first piece of land you would hit would be the US. Continuing with the Jurassic Park theme of the vacation, this island truly seemed like a lost world.

Looking back on Malta and the Canary Islands, this vacation definitely turned out to be my favorite thus far. With everything said and done, I like to describe it with simple reminder and battle cry from my favorite Disney/Pixar film, Up: “Adventure is out there!” Go get it.

Adventure is out there! (Part 1)

For our February vacation, I made it my mission to find crazy places to go and crazy things to do. Museums and art exhibits would be replaced by extreme outdoor pursuits and seeking out incredible sights. What was the Holy Grail of this quest? Malta and the Canary Islands.

Right now, most of you are probably saying, “Hmm, Malta. What country is that in?” Answer: It is its own country, a full-fledged member of the European Union located to the southwest of Sicily in the Mediterranean Sea. Due to various periods of colonial occupation, Malta has a very unique culture that combines influences from many others, such as Britain, Italy, and North Africa. The Maltese language is actually a mixture of words from English, Italian, and Arabic, with its own alphabet and set of rules.

Malta first appeared on our radar when we met Krista and Stefan, the Maltese pharmacy students studying in Montpellier for the semester. I met them the first weekend I was in Montpellier, and little did I know that in a few months we would be visiting them in their home country, something I had only seen on maps and in geography trivia games ( anyone?). Myself and 7 other friends from Montpellier hopped a plane, train, and bus (literally) from our town and arrived on “The Rock,” as the Maltese like to refer to it, greeted by our two friends who had returned before Christmas. They gave us an incredible grand tour of their country, showing us everything from the most popular sights to the most far-flung to the ones they had come to consider personal favorites.

Highlights of our stay on the Maltese Islands:

-Renting and getting to drive a car. This is one of the things I miss most about being in France this year, so this was a welcome change. Plus, having been a former British colony they drive on the left side of the road, something that proved to be much less difficult than I had imagined. What did prove difficult was navigating our way around the island, despite the fact that we have some natives on board. The icing on the cake was when we turned down what ended up being a one-way street and found ourselves face to face with a line of angry cars and a charter tour bus flashing his headlights. Oops.

-Going to Carnival on the smaller island of Gozo. In order to get an adequate picture of what the Carnival experience is, imagine the mass partying atmosphere of the Preakness infield, in a city, at night, where everyone dons a crazy costume, and dances around floats to blasting music. Throw in a few cans of Cisk, the amazing local beer, and you’ve got yourself Carnival, Maltese style.

-Seeing some of the oldest manmade structures in the world. Malta is home to a complex of stone buildings that have been excavated dating back to 5,000BC. Different rooms and cuts of the stone are still visible, with some blocks weighing several tons.

-Scaling a variety of mountains, cliffs, and rocky precipices. Malta, being a country set on a rock in the middle of the sea, is full of places to go climbing or even sliding down, as it were. Beautiful views of the landscape or the sea were to be had around every turn, and it never got old. We even got to climb down into the cave where legend holds that Odysseus met Calypso in The Odyssey.

-The food. One word: pastizzi. This delicacy is either peas or ricotta wrapped in flaky pasty dough and baked in the oven. Incredible. Krista and Stefan were also awesome enough to invite us to their homes during the course of the week to share their favorite Maltese dishes with us. Krista’s was baked pasta with tomato sauce and meat, and Stefan’s was baked rabbit. Excuse me while I go book a ticket back to Malta as my mouth waters.

-Everything is SO. CHEAP. Malta is on the Euro, but somehow their prices have remained incredibly low and are some of the lowest in the European Union. To give you an example, we went to the bakery/grocery store for one day’s lunch and dinner shopping and got the following for our group of 10: 30 pastizzi, 10 pigs-in-a-blanket-esque creations, a few other assorted baked goods to share, pasta, cheese, vegetables, olive oil, bread, 2 dozen beers, and other assorted beverages. Total per person: 7 euros.

-Spending time with the Maltese. The entire country of Malta is one of the most welcoming and friendly I’ve ever travelled to. Our friends basically dedicated their weeks to making sure we had an awesome time. Fast forward several skipped university classes, 5 trips to the airport for the different outbound flights we had, and coordinating a weeklong itinerary and they never once complained. Here’s a big thanks to Krista and Stefan for being the sweetest times this side of the Atlantic.