Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Home for the Holidays

Between snow across Europe and the Blizzard of '09 over here, I somehow dodged a huge bullet coming home from France and didn't have any problems in transit. We had to wait at the departure gate in Paris for a few minutes as the passengers from a connecting flight from Nice ran to the plane, but other than that all was well.

I had my first "welcome to America" moment when I got off the plane and was going through customs. There were three televisions mounted on the wall next to the line: 1) baggage claim information for arriving flights, 2) customs procedures and information, and 3) Sportscenter. God bless America.

I hope I can see you all while I'm back. I'll be here till January 5 so give me a ring on my old cell phone. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone!

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