Friday, February 12, 2010

One of These Things Doesn’t Belong…

For anyone who has been to France between the months of November and April, you know very well that the typical attire of a French person consists of dark jeans and some shade of black or gray sweater/jacket/shirt. I’ve noticed this as the winter weather continues to roll on, but didn’t realize how true it was until I had a fire drill during class two days ago.

Of course this fire drill (which the administration neglected to inform me of) happened during a rainy day, so I stopped in the teacher’s lounge before exiting the school grounds to grab my rain coat. As I filed out the front gates with the students and other teachers, I suddenly realized that I could quite easily be picked out of the crowd as the English Assistant from the States. Stuck in the middle of a group of black and gray, there I was with my bright blue running jacket, complete with areas of reflective silver. This jacket made it easy for all of my students to find me while we waited so I was soon surrounded by a circle of high schoolers all giggling and saying, “Hello! ‘Ow are you?”

Side note: I’m not really sure how fire drills in France work, but comme d’habitude (per usual) the efficiency was questionable. At schools in the States, administrators receive word from teachers that their class has exited the building, and once all personnel and students have evacuated, they see how long the entire process took. During said fire drill, students wandered outside in a leisurely and unorganized mob, lingered for a few minutes just outside the gates (with some still relaxing at the benches in the courtyard), and bit by bit began filing back inside at an unannounced moment. I saw one member of the administration during all of this, and he was talking with a group of students the entire time. I pray there is never a real fire at school.

1 comment:

  1. would this be the "christmas present" jacket that you are referring to?
