Friday, October 23, 2009

At long last...

Well, here we are. Just over one month to the day since my return to the land of cheese and baguettes. This time, the target destination: Montpellier, deep in the south of France. For those of you who do not know (but I'm pretty sure word has spread by this point), I will be living here until May 2010 teaching English to French high school students. The program is run through the French Ministry of Education, so I am, for the next 7 months, in the employ of French bureaucracy. God help me (stories of my first few encounters with said system to follow).

A note on the unfortunate delay of these postings: upon my arrival in Montpellier, my previous laptop decided that France was not its cup of tea (or glass of wine, if you will), and stopped working. This means that I have been mostly disconnected from the outside world, save for the help of a few very generous friends who let me commandeer their computers from time to time. Thanks to the expert coordination of my parents back in the States, I am now armed with a brand new laptop and ready to share my comings and goings with all who are interested.

The next few posts will mostly be me catching up on everything I've been taking note of, from first impressions on my return to Europe to funny, humorous, or otherwise unavoidably French encounters I've had. Check back to see updates on the daily occurrences on this side of the pond, and feel free to leave comments.

Merci, and welcome to "My Year in the Merde."

1 comment:

  1. Awesome year in the merde. love it. i cant wait to follow this and live vicariously
    now go eat a crepe, drink beaucoup de vin et enivrez vous. enjoy those crazy frenchies
    love em.
