Sunday, October 25, 2009

First Days with Students

I made the rounds of my classes, introducing myself during our first meetings and having them do the same. I allowed them all to ask me any questions they wanted to ask, so here is the “Best of” compilation of what my French high schoolers had on their minds. And yes, these were all things students actually asked:

-The ever-present “Obama Factor”- What do you think of him? Do you know him? You are from Washington DC- were you at the inauguration?

-Who do you think is the most beautiful woman in the world?

-Do you have a gun?

-Is your house like “Desperate Housewives”?

-Do you like “hip hop culture”? (I’m still trying to figure out what exactly that means or if it was a loaded question…)

-Is it true that America is a “big” country? (Insert student making a gesture to signal obesity)

-Student: Do you prefer French women or American women?

Me: (realizing I am in a room filled with French girls, including my teacher, and trying to be diplomatic) Well, they are both very different. Which do you prefer?

Student: American women.

Teacher: Why?

Student: Because I like black women.

Teacher: (slightly perplexed) …There are black women in France. Nevermind, let’s move on.

And possibly my personal favorite:

-Do you think Tupac is still alive?

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